856 221 517 info@vaabogados.es

VA Abogados

Trusted Solicitors

Defending our client’s objectives and interests

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About VA Abogados

Passionate about law

We are lawyers passionate about law, and we share the necessary values and abilities for the new era. We believe in the value of people, the confidence of our clients and the commitment of our professional team.

Our firm is dedicated entirely to providing the highest quality of legal services to spanish and foreigners citizens, giving all our efforts in obtaining the objectives our clients have trusted us.

More than 15 years of experience defending our clients

Our goals and interests are only and exclusively achieving and defending our clients’ objectives and interests, in every case we represent.

Fields of Law

Civil Law

Traffic accidents, debt claims, overdue rent claims, evictions, bank guarantee executions…

Family Law

Divorce and separations, custody and feeding of minors, grandparent and caretaker visitation…

Commercial Law

Incorporation of civil or commercial companies, drafting commercial documents, bankruptcy law… 

Real Estate Law

Sale and purchases of real estate, urban development, tax management…

Penal law

Abbreviated procedures, defence of the accused of crimes against the public health, domestic abuse…

Taw Law

Tax on property transfers, stamp duty, increase in value of urban land, inheritance and donations taxes

What Our Clients Says

Lindsey Bellis


"I experienced a very professional, friendly, reliable and trustworthy service dealing with all legal aspects of purchasing and selling Spanish property by a very conscientious lawyer who speaks and understands the English language perfectly. Brilliant!"

Patrick Visser


"As owner of a real estate company on the Costa del Sol we had a great amount of dealings with Juan Miguel and we always enjoyed and appreciated his professionalism and experience. He has also assisted with some legal cases that were resolved positively and as such can recommend his law firm"

Ted Beever


"Juan Miguel  has acted on my behalf for the last ten years and has carried out all my legal business in Spain with the utmost integrity and diligence,I currently own four properties  in Spain and there is always something to attend to.When one resides in the United Kingdom it is most comforting to have a trustworthy legal representative looking after my affairs in Spain"

Scott Bannatyne


"I found Juan Miguel very professional throughout my case he was very patient and determined to bring to what was a successful conclusion."

John Chan


"I was introduced to Juan by a colleague and he has certainly been exceptional. We were desperate to sort out a problem which no other lawyer was prepared to tackle. Juan was confident that he could solve it and he offered a no-win-no-fee option which I took gladly. The case was long and drawn, but we won in the end thanks to Juan’s outstanding efforts and attention to detail."

Request an initial evaluation of your case

Nuestra experiencia y sentido del compromiso otorgan a los clientes de esta firma una garantía de éxito.


666 666 555


Avda. Virgen del Carmen, 37, 2ª Planta, 11201, Algeciras (Cádiz)

“VA Abogados ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es garantizar un mejor uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y de las Comunicaciones  y gracias al que ha mejorado su presencia en internet mediante la renovación de su web y presencia en redes y buscadores para ésta empresa durante el año 2021. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del TIC cámara de la Cámara de Comercio del Campo de Gibraltar.”